Monday, April 11, 2005

A Mother's Love

Ain't nobody's love sweet like your's mama. In your embrace i find protection, joy, peace and strength. You are divine. You are my divine connection to the earth and to the Ancestors. You are clear water for my soul. Always knowing and seeking to find what i need. Always there loving me no matter what like only you can. Ain't nobody's love sweet like your's mama. i sho' am glad i got you!
Kinenga Creations

In My Father's Image

Baba, your BlackNificent face is like the face of the sun. When i see it, it dispels all my anxieties. From childhood to manhood you have stood out in my life triumphant and strong like the noon-day sun. The warm radiations of your enduring love, tireless dedication, righteous struggle and revolutionary sacrifice have not been in vain. You have brought forth a man-child, a man-child who will carry on the tradition, carry on the fight to liberate all Afrikan people and raise up future generations of men and warriors who will ensure that your name lives on for all time. Ase.
Kinenga Creations